Wednesday Meals

Menus are subject to change without notice.

All meals are still only $5.00 per person.

January Menus

22nd  – Mexican Stackups, Rice and Beans, Salsa and Chips, Sopaipilla Cheesecake Bars

Kids – Cheese Nachos

29th- Honey Garlic Chicken, Fried Rice, Egg Rolls, Chocolate Cobbler

Kids – Hot Dogs and Chips     

The Wednesday meals will not resume until January 15th.              

February Menus

5th – (Lunch and Dinner) Potato Soup, Chicken Salad, Pimento Cheese, Corn Muffins, Cannoli Cream Pie                                                             Kids – Sloppy Joes

12th – Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Purple Hull Peas, Corn on the Cob, Oreo Dream Cake                                                                                                      Kids – Hot Dogs and Chips


19th- Spaghetti and Meatballs, Fettuccine, Garlic Toast, Tossed Salad, Eclair Cake                                                                                                                Kids – Same as Above

26th – Mexican Lasagna, Rice and Beans, Salsa And Chips, Sopaipilla Cheesecake                                                                                                              Kids – Tacos