Child Development Center

Milly Jacobs
CDC Director
The Child Development Center is open
Monday – Friday 7:00 AM until 6:00 PM
Nursery Ministries
For the first two+ years of life
Early Childhood Ministries
For ages two through five
After School Ministries
For grades K through 6
The center is located on the north side of First Baptist Church at East North Street and Wood Street, next to the Kilgore City Park. The large drive through awning provides needed coverage when loading and unloading your little ones. The outer doors stay locked during business hours as an added protection for the children and staff.
The center is governed by the Weekday Education Ministry Team of First Baptist Church and is licensed by the state of Texas to provide childcare services. The Daycare Center operated under the direction of the Director, Milly Jacobs and Assistant Directors Laura Hopper and Pam Butler.
Milly may be reached by emailing: milly@fbckilgore.org or calling the center at 903.986.9064.