Adult Ministry

Worship Ministry

The Celebration Choir leads worship and sings special music in our Sunday morning services. We also minister in seasonal services and events. We practice Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room. Come and join us!

The praise team and band is an auditioned group that leads and facilitates congregational worship each week. If you are interested in being a part of one of these groups, please contact David and set up a meeting/audition.

Our handbell choir consists of teen through adult members. They minister in worship and special services throughout the year. You must be able to read music, but no experience with handbells is required. We rehearse on Sunday at 4:00 pm in the Choir Room.

For more info or questions email David Berryhill at

Women's Ministry

FBC Kilgore’s Women’s Ministry is newly revitalized and has been serving women of all ages ever since. The Women’s Ministry hosts seasonal bible studies and a handful of other pop up events throughout the year. The Women’s Ministry team also plans and hosts a Women’s Conference annually called Thrive in order to bring women together as we look to truly thrive in our godly walks and relationships with others.

for more information email

Adults in Ministry

Adults in Ministry or AIM is a ministry focused on bringing adults of all ages together. Aim hosts monthly luncheons to promote fellowship over good food. AIM also strives to facilitate a variety of other activities throughout the year, such as special pop up events, trips, and monthly game nights.

for more information email 


In the language of the New Testament Greek, the word deacon means servant. Our First Baptist Church deacon body is made up of men from our congregation that are gifted in serving the body of Christ.

What do deacons do at FBC?

  • Each deacon is assigned a family to stay in touch with and to address their prayer needs.
  • Assist in hospital visitation and visiting shut in’s.
  • Assist in small projects that members are no longer able to do.
  • Be an encouragement to the congregation and send encouraging notes as needed.
  • Assist in Lord’s Supper
  • Assist in collecting the offering during Worship


GriefShare is a church sponsored group that meets 3 times a year for adults who have experienced a loss. GriefShare is open to anyone in the community and is an excellent resource for those who are walking the road of grief.

GriefShare meetings occur in the Spring, Summer, & Fall.

For more info or questions email

Sunday Bible Study Breakdowns


Three18 is designed to create fellowship and community for young working adults and parents of young children. Three18 meets at 9 am Sunday mornings on the 2nd floor of the Fellowship Hall.
Led by: Alex Ramos

Home Builders

Home Builders is a group for parents & individuals who are committed to being the leaders and role models for the younger generation in their lives and homes. It is a master teacher style class that meets at 9am on Sunday mornings on the 2nd floor of the Fellowship Hall
Led by: Johnny Johnson.

Adult 4A

Adult 4A meets at 9 am Sunday mornings on the 2nd floor of the Fellowship Hall.
Led by: Pat McCrory

Adult 4

Adult 4 meets at 9 am Sunday mornings on the 2nd floor of the Fellowship Hall.
Led by: Ricky Carter

The Joy Class

The Love Class is a ladies group designed to create community among women 60+. The Love Class meets at 9am on Sunday mornings on the 1st Floor of the Education Building in Legacy Hall.
Led by: Gail McClurg

Adult 8

Adult 8 meets at 9 am Sunday Mornings on the 2nd floor of the Fellowship Hall
Led by: Steve Coats

The Friendship Class

The Friendship Class is a co-ed group created to unite and build friendship among adults 35 years and up. They meet at 9 am Sunday mornings on the 1st floor of the Education Building.
Led by: Gladys Crouch

Adult 3

Adult 3 meets at 9 am Sunday mornings on the 2nd floor of the Fellowship Hall.
Led by: Melissa Vonsenden

Adult 4B

Adult 4B meets at 9 am Sunday mornings on the 1st floor of the Fellowship Hall.
Led by: Sondra Spinks

Adult 4 Men

Adult 4 Men meets at 9 am Sunday mornings on the 1st floor of the Education Building in Legacy Hall.
Led by: Marion Turner